HR Template
Professional Templates from Practical HR

For any SMEs, our Professional Templates can provide a cost-effective solution to allow you to build your HR foundation. Our templates include Letter of Appointment, Confirmation Letter, Demote letter, Extension of Probation Letter, Letter of Advice, Promotion letter, Salary Adjustement Letter, Termination Letter (mismatching), Letter of Transfer.

Our team of HR experts have many years of experience dealing with real life situations within organisations. Our letter templates are written to provide organisations with the content they need to meet legal requirements and communicate important information to employees.

Our Professional Templates are continually updated to meet legal requirements to ensure compliance. We are able to write great templates as we deal with HR situations on a day to day basis through our HR Consultancy services.

We also do bespoke drafting of HR documentation for client organisations. In addition, we offer outsourced HR administration services – as we know what it’s like to have to deal with HR documentation and administration in a business. We therefore try to make the documentation and our templates as easy as possible to use. We take a commercial approach to HR and understand that as an SME you have limited time and need to get on with other aspects of your job or running your business.